
Drinking Water Week: Honoring Water Professionals

With water pipes “out of sight, out of mind”, access to clean drinking water can easily be taken for granted.  During Drinking Water Week, we want to take a moment to recognize the value of this vital resource and shine a light on the professionals who deliver clean, safe water to our homes every day.

Behind every drop of water that flows from our taps are dedicated water professionals who work tirelessly to ensure its safety and reliability. Recognizing Drinking Water Week is not only about acknowledging the importance of clean water but also about honoring the individuals who make it all possible. From designing capital projects to maintaining pipe infrastructure, our communities rely on hard work performed by the entire water sector! 

Click here to visit the American Water Works Association website and learn more about the history of Drinking Water Week.

As we celebrate 50 years of the Safe Drinking Water Act and Drinking Water Week, let's take a moment to express our gratitude to all water professionals. We are committed to delivering high-quality drinking water to your tap, and we are proud to be such a critical part of the communities we serve.