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Technology Upgrade: CWSNC Installing AMI "Smart" Meters

Carolina Water Service of N.C. is in the process of upgrading current water meters to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for water customers where applicable. Currently, we have installed nearly 13,000 meters and over the next five years we are looking to install just over 10,000.

AMI is a new "smart" water metering system that provides remote meter reading capabilities. AMI allows for accurate and faster collection of water readings and empowers customers to be better informed on their water usage. AMI is becoming the standard for utilities around the country. AMI technology, when used with the My Utility Account app/portal, allows customers to monitor their residence for continuous consumption and to be more aware of their usage when they are not home.

We will notify customers as soon as possible in advance of implementation. This is one of the many investments in CWSNC’s water and wastewater systems to replace aging infrastructure, provide reliable service, enhance water quality and comply with environmental regulations. Please ensure your contact information is up-to-date so you receive all important notifications.

What are the overall benefits of the Smart Metering System? Ultimately, the AMI system reduces operating costs for meter reading and billing and improves customer service.

Direct benefits for customers include:

  • Highly accurate data collection which decreases the possibility of incorrect meter readings.
  • Timely information on water usage that allows CWSNC staff to provide better customer service.
  • Timely identification of continuous consumption, which reduces water waste and unnecessarily higher water bills.
  • Multiple meter reads daily, instead of once every month.
  • Transmission of information from water meters using low-power radio signals without staff having to open meter boxes or step onto a customer's property.
  • Online access so customers can monitor and manage their water usage (upon completion of AMI implementation in their service area).

How will customer information be protected? Meter information and usage data is encrypted using industry standard processes before being transmitted to CWSNC. Personal, identifiable information (PII) such as name, address, bill account number, or credit/collection information, is not transmitted to or from the meter.

Will smart metering require new water meters for all residential customers? To ensure consistency of AMI customer and operational benefits across our service jurisdiction, CWSNC plans to replace approximately 26,000 meters during the AMI implementation. Due to cellular limitations, we will not be able to implement AMI technology in all locations.

Is smart metering technology safe? AMI uses radio frequencies (RF) to communicate water usage information. Approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), this type of RF is commonly used in cell phones, TV remotes, Wi-Fi, baby and medical monitors, garage-door openers, and Bluetooth devices. (For more information, please visit

Are there other utilities in this region using smart metering technology? Yes. Many electric and gas utilities are already utilizing this technology.

What will the new meters look like? The picture below represents what the new meters will look like. The new meters are manufactured by NEPTUNE and are made of a new high-strength composite material that has been developed to eliminate any concern of lead in brass. NEPTUNE is a leading manufacturer of water metering technology.


Curious about AMI? Watch two short videos for more information about the technology and how to make it work for you.