Latest News

Sep 21, 2023
  • Your Utility Services
  • Health & Safety
We work hard to upgrade our local systems so our customers can continue to trust the service we deliver now and in the future.
Sep 21, 2023
  • Your Utility Services
  • Health & Safety
At Bermuda Water Company we work hard to upgrade our local systems so our customers can continue to trust the service we deliver now and in the future.
Investment Icon
Sep 21, 2023
  • Community
  • Your Utility Services
We are addressing critical wastewater investments to upgrade the local wastewater system.
Sep 06, 2023
  • Rates & Regulations
  • Your Utility at Work
After the Commission’s review, new rates were approved August 24, 2023. These rates are effective September 1, 2023. Please read more about the new rates and charges here.
Sep 05, 2023
  • Your Utility Services
  • Rates & Regulations
The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is a water assistance program designed to assist low-income households in meeting their immediate water and wastewater needs.
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Aug 31, 2023
  • Your Utility Services
  • Health & Safety
All of our systems are running as normal and fully operational. We have been closely monitoring Hurricane Idalia and have taken all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and reliability of our water services.
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Aug 31, 2023
  • Health & Safety
  • Your Utility Services
All of our systems are running as normal and fully operational. We have been closely monitoring Hurricane Idalia and have taken all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and reliability of our water services.
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Aug 29, 2023
  • Health & Safety
  • Your Utility Services
All of our systems are running as normal and fully operational. We have been closely monitoring Hurricane Idalia and have taken all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and reliability of our water services.
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Aug 29, 2023
  • Your Utility Services
  • Health & Safety
All of our systems are running as normal and fully operational. We have been closely monitoring Hurricane Idalia and have taken all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and reliability of our water services.
Aug 28, 2023
  • Community
  • Your Utility Services
We are pleased to announce our new logo! Look out for this refreshed design on our website, trucks, bills and more over the months ahead.
Aug 28, 2023
  • Community
  • Your Utility Services
We are pleased to announce our new logo! Look out for this refreshed design on our website, trucks, bills and more over the months ahead.
Aug 01, 2023
  • Community
  • Your Utility at Work
We're pleased to announce the receipt of a co-funding award of up to $433,000 from the St. John’s River Water Management District.
burst water pipe under pressure
Jul 31, 2023
  • Your Utility at Work
  • Your Utility Services
An investment of approx. $37,000 in leak detection will yield savings of $180,000 per year.
Jul 26, 2023
  • Your Utility Services
Some customers have reported delayed bills and payments because of USPS delivery delays. If you’re used to receiving paper bills and/or paying by mail, please allow more time for payments to reach us. This will help us keep your account current and avoid potential late fees.
Jul 19, 2023
  • Your Utility Services
  • Your Utility at Work
We apologize for this issue and want you to know we are working hard to resolve it. We are investing about $8 million in a new water treatment system to improve drinking water service to customers.
Jun 23, 2023
  • Health & Safety
  • Your Utility Services
Please check your service line to see if it is made of lead or lead components and submit a quick survey.
Jun 22, 2023
  • Health & Safety
  • Your Utility Services
Please check your service line to see if it is made of lead or lead components and submit a quick survey.
Jun 21, 2023
  • Health & Safety
  • Your Utility Services
Please test the service line at your property and check to see if it is made of lead or lead components then submit your results in our survey!
Jun 20, 2023
  • Health & Safety
  • Your Utility at Work
We're required to verify water service line materials in order to comply with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) per the Biden-Harris Get the Lead Out Partnership.
Jun 20, 2023
A deduction meter can be used to identify and deduct water usage that does not discharge into the wastewater facilities.